Allergic to Beer? Signs & Symptoms of Beer Allergy & Intolerance

allergic reaction to beer

If you suspect you have a beer allergy, it’s best to consult a doctor for an allergy test to identify the specific allergen allergic reaction to beer causing your symptoms. Other common symptoms of an allergy to IPA beer include hives, itching, swelling, stomach cramps, dizziness, vomiting, and diarrhea. In more severe cases, an allergy to IPA beer can also cause life-threatening emergencies such as loss of consciousness or anaphylaxis. Fortunately for the beer lovers, reactions to drinking beer are rarely life-threatening. The most common symptoms of a beer allergy are similar to those of other food allergies. To name a few hives, swelling of the face, throat, or tongue, itching, difficulty in breathing, and even anaphylaxis in severe cases.

  • If left untreated, an allergic reaction can quickly become worse.
  • To find out for sure if beer is the cause, consider ordering a food allergy blood test or an advanced food intolerance test.
  • The most common symptoms of a beer allergy are similar to those of other food allergies.
  • If your body doesn’t produce enough active DAO, you may react to histamine in foods and beverages.

Can you actually be allergic to beer?

allergic reaction to beer

If you suspect you have a beer allergy and experience manageable symptoms after drinking it, simply stay away from the beverage. If the symptoms don’t bother you very much, they probably aren’t causing any long-term health problems. Incidentally, alcohol is known to make any existing food sensitivities more pronounced and to increase the severity of food allergy reactions. It means you have to take great care in reading labels and choosing foods and drinks. If you feel ill after drinking alcohol but don’t experience symptoms at any other time, it’s possible that you have an alcohol intolerance. Blood tests look for antibodies to specific allergens in your blood.

allergic reaction to beer

Wine Sulfite Side Effects

allergic reaction to beer

This includes some types of wine and spirits that contain beer ingredients. Reading food and drink labels to identify products that incorporate beer. Some beers contain additives and preservatives that can trigger allergic reactions or intolerances.

  • However, for a severe skin reaction, weak pulse, vomiting or trouble breathing, seek emergency help right away, as you could be having an anaphylactic reaction.
  • In a society that glorifies heavy drinking, this may be even more of a challenge.
  • There has also been some discussion around the presence of genetically-modified (GMO) ingredients in beers.
  • While rare, yeast allergy can cause an allergic reaction in some people.
  • A severe allergic reaction can be life-threatening and is an emergency.

Risk of beer allergy

  • If you are experiencing allergy symptoms after drinking an IPA, it is important to identify whether you are having an allergic reaction or a less severe intolerance response.
  • This is sometimes called Asian Flush, as a high percentage of Asian people suffer from this condition.
  • If you’re interested in learning which ingredient may be leading to your symptoms, schedule an allergy test.
  • An alcohol allergy is an immune response to the alcohol itself, rather than the ingredients in beer.

Alcohol intolerance is caused by a genetic condition and is not an immune system response like an allergy. On the other hand, a beer allergy is an immune response to specific ingredients in beer, such as hops, barley, or yeast. A beer allergy is when you experience symptoms after consuming beer.

allergic reaction to beer

At FHE Health, we understand that the circumstances that prompt a person to ask for help can vary. “It would be very difficult to prove that GMO-containing beers are more allergy- or sensitivity-inducing than GMO-free beers. Or that Sobriety ‘organic’ beers are categorically superior just by being organic,” he says. There’s been a lot of discussion on social media about the potential harmful effects of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). They are found in many processed foods – and in some types of beer.

Alcohol Intolerance vs Alcohol Allergy

  • While beer is enjoyed by many, individuals with a beer allergy can experience a range of symptoms upon consumption.
  • To avoid a reaction, avoid alcohol or the particular substance that causes your reaction.
  • If you’re allergic to GMO corn—which is found in countless foods—you’re probably allergic to organic corn, too.
  • The term “alcohol intolerance” is used to describe an adverse physical reaction to drinking any type of alcohol.

Allergies can cause a range of symptoms, from mild to life-threatening. Mild symptoms may include hives, itching, swelling, stomach cramps, dizziness, vomiting, and diarrhea. Life-threatening symptoms, known as anaphylaxis, can include loss of consciousness, difficulty swallowing or breathing, abdominal pain, and severe itching of the eyes or face. In the case of anaphylaxis, immediate medical attention is required. If you experience any of these symptoms after drinking IPA beer, it is important to consult a doctor or medical professional. They can help you determine whether you have a true allergy or a sensitivity/intolerance to the ingredients in the beer.

allergic reaction to beer


Many patients who suffer from a wheat allergy also react to barley in beer. Below is a list of symptoms you may experience if you are allergic to beer. With this in mind, the term is often also used to describe an actual allergic reaction to ingredients found in alcoholic drinks.